Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 27-28, 2015: Leonard Nimoy and Anthony Mason

Leonard Nimoy by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Leonard Nimoy played Spock in Star Trek and as far as I know just kind of coasted on that for the rest of his career. His autobiographies are about being Spock or not being Spock. I can't think of any other roles he played. He seemed like a nice guy. He probably went to a lot of ComicCons and whatnot so he probably was very skilled with dealing with non-celebrity folk. He was 83 so thats pretty good.

Anthony Mason was a basketball player on the mid 90's New York Knicks and was their most physical player. Whenever someone on the other team would be shooting well or making layups, Anthony Mason would foul that guy really hard and that guy would start shooting worse and stop driving to the hoop. After a quarter or two of this the other team would be scared to even shoot a long 3 because they knew that Mase or Oak would foul them into the 3rd row. Then the Knicks would win. Mase could ball as well but subsumed his personal stats for the betterment of the team. This was a really successful style of basketball as far as playoff wins go but it was unwatchable for fans and rule changes eventually got rid of these tactics. Now the NBA does not really have any "enforcer" guys. Not even Kendrick Perkins counts. Anthony Mason died of a heart attack at age 48, only like 10 years after retiring from the NBA.

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